By now, I'm assuming everyone knows that we are huge "Sex & The City" fans! We just can't get enough of those 4 girls, their romances, and their fashion sense. For instance, just take a look at Carrie's outfit to the left. AMAZING!

Well, here are some fun random "Sex & The City (SATC)" tidbits we conjured up for your entertainment. Cheers!!! :)

10 Sexy Famous Flings-- That Weren't So Famous Back Then!

Remember the mighty famous "Carrie" name necklace our lovely SJP wore throughout the show as well as in the first SATC movie? It became such a huge sensation that every fashionista had to get her hands on one-- even the Mona Lisa (found this cute pic on Confashions)! LOLL!! Well ladies, get ready to start wearing 4 leaf clovers around your necks. Apparently, SATC stylist Patricia Field was asked which trend will inspire this time, and her answer was this 4 leaf clover necklace Carrie will be sportin' in the new movie... Hot, or not? You tell us!
We found this FABULOUS SATC-inspired cake on Exotic Events Q8 blog, and we think it would be the perfect accessory for your "Sex & The City 2" movie party (as soon as we can get our hands on a copy here in Kuwait)!  
"...ABC has a problem with hot ladies in their undies" or so says plus-sized lingerie carrier Lane Bryant. Apparently, back in April Lane Bryant claimed the network attempted to shut-out their plus size lingerie commercial from airing and that they "demanded excessive re-edits and rebuffed it three times before relenting to air it during the final 10 minutes of ‘American Idol,’ but only after we threatened to pull the ad buy."

What we don't get is that ABC routinely airs Victoria's Secret commercials, as well as their annual fashion show, which feature half-naked women prancing around in stilettos. In our opinion, the Lane Bryant ad is a lot more tame than the VS lingerie campaigns. This controversy has led Landline TV to create a spoof on Victoria's Secret featuring skeletons in a blond wig trying to be "sexy."

What do you guys think? Is Landline TV trying to send a message regarding body image? Watch both videos below & let us know your thoughts!

We have MANY wonderful customers, and thanks to you FootzyRolls are becoming a big hit! We have already sold out of the "Small" & "Large" sizes, and we only have "Medium" sizes left. Once again Here is the sizing chart:

S= US 6-7 (SOLD OUT)
US 7.5-8.5
L= US 9-10
Make sure to get your pair of beautiful ballet flats before they're all gone!
And if you don't, don't worry.
We are receiving a new shipment of assorted styles/colors in approximately 2 weeks :)

Contact Us:

The Manhattan
Fabulous finds for fabulous women.
Call/SMS: 9957-3363
[email protected]

Click on the star below to view celebrity fans & FootzyRolls press!
"Moesha's" Shar Jackson shows us how she "gets down" on the dance floor after slipping on her FootzyRolls!
Whether it's the extreme over-acting or the magical special effects, infomercials are like a train wreck we just can't not watch. From the Magic Bullet to Oxi-clean, the products for sale are endless and hilarious, especially when it comes to fashion. Where else can you buy spray-on tights, a wearable towel, and pajama jeans? From the comfort of your couch (or in our case, our desk chair), we've uncovered an Aladdin's cave of gadgets and goodies to round you out, cover you up, and get you looking your fashionable-ist, if these infomercials are to be trusted.

Let us know which one is your ABSOLUTE FAVE!

1. Nyce Legs Spray On Nylons
How nyce! But they forgot to mention that while "wearing" these babies, you can't touch anyone, sit on anything, or cross your legs.

Bayt Abdullah pins may be purchased for 2 KD at any Al Shaya store and at Dar Noor. Click on the photo below for other ways you can help.
Click on the invitation below for other ways you can help the
Animal Friends League of Kuwait!

Here at The Manhattan we are EXTREMELY excited about the upcoming "Sex & The City 2" movie! Here is the trailer of this fabulous new film for your enjoyment! :)

While wrestling with the pressures of life, love, and work in Manhattan, Carrie, Miranda, and Charlotte join Samantha for a trip to Morocco, where Samantha's ex is filming a new movie.